Advanced Mining

Together with our research and industry partners, CSIRO Chile promotes collaboration in applied research between Chile and Australia, creating innovative solutions for current and future challenges of the mining industry in various areas.

Water, Energy and Environmental Impacto

Water scarcity and energy costs are today a priority for the industry. In addition to the emergence of the green mining concept, CSIRO generates water management mechanisms with experience of more than 8 years in Chile. It also offers energy alternatives such as Green Hydrogen solutions capable of reducing the carbon footprint of the operation, based on state-of-the-art technology and within the framework of the collaborative model that distinguishes CSIRO.

Smart Mining Systems

We develop technical tools to identify risks at all levels in the mining operation and thus improve safety and optimise productivity. We can identify when and where deformations of the subsoil will occur, avoiding consequences in various areas. Early warning of the potential for soil instability can help avoid closure of operations, mainly saving lives, along with saving equipment and mineral ore.

GeoResources and Ming Planning from opening to closure

CSIRO’s research enables optimisation of mining performance through the collection and analysis of mineral system data for geometallurgical modeling. Based on a holistic view, including mining reserves, productive capacity, operating cost, capital requirements, and project value, we can identify the best strategies to address mining challenges, such as automated tailings management or smart thickeners.

Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Systems

Advanced metallurgical and mineralogical characterization provides valuable information for the development of new methods that improve the extraction and production of metals. One of the main constraints for the sustainable growth of the mining industry is the decline in mining grades and a reliance on increasingly complex ores, which results in the effectiveness of processing.

Social License to Operate – Data Driven

CSIRO’s work provides solutions to connect with the requirements of the communities from applied science’s point of view. Trust building is based on a system that provides modeled social information, based on participation and transparency.