Who we are

“100 years ago, CSIRO was created as the Australian National Laboratory. And since that moment, CSIRO has become the icon of applied science in our country. As part of my portfolio, I was in charge of CSIRO and for me it was a proud period of my ministerial career.
In 2011, the Chilean Government invited CSIRO to take on an interesting project in Chile; to establish the Centre of Excellence for Mining and Mining Resources.
Later, in 2013, the CSIRO Chile Research Foundation was established, which housed not only the centre of excellence but other areas, to provide a permanent presence in this country, and certainly the first CSIRO presence outside of Australia.
Opening this office also symbolizes the imperishable relationship between CSIRO, Australia and Chile. The same spirit that allowed the Free Trade Agreement between Chile and Australia to be signed; it shows that the ties that unite both countries have deepened, strengthened and have now, also diversified.”

Julie Bishop, former Australian Foreign Minister, at the opening of our office