Strategic session CSIRO Chile – results

ENG  |   SPA

23rd – 24th May, 2019  |   Las Majadas de Pirque, Santiago, Chile


Together with CSIRO Chile’s board members, business and social leaders, we had a dialogue in the light of the challenges that both Chile and Australia face, from their own territories and identities.

We met in a strategic session in Las Majadas de Pirque, to talk about the common challenges Chile and Australia face and how applied research can be the key to solve them.

We began the session by understanding our territory, our geography, our own place. Juan Carlos Tonko, leader of the Kawésqar indigenous community of Puerto Eden, transported us from his history to our present and future.

The conversation about our future and perspective through applied science was held by Dr. Peter Mayfield, Executive Director of Environment, Energy and Resources Area of ​​CSIRO, the most important applied research organization in Australia and one of the 10 largest in the world.

Through Guillermo Holzmann’s vast experience as a political scientist, we were able to delve into the geopolitical reality of our region, what role we play in the global present and how the alliances made with Australia is a factor of change for both countries.

We also were able to present ideas and proposals coming from all attendants to Constanza Cea, Executive Director of Marca Chile, organisation that will lead the COP25 summit in Chile.

We appreciate your trust. Your collaboration. We count on you.


Watch the video of the session here:


Workshop notes, 24th of May

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6 initiatives in the context of COP25

[ddownload id=”631″ style=”button” button=”grey” text=”Descargar”]
Sustainable Water Management in Mining
Manejo Sustentable de Agua en Minería

[ddownload id=”632″ style=”button” button=”grey” text=”Descargar”]
Sistema Inteligente para la Adaptación al Cambio Climático: Gestión de Desastres
Smart system for Climate Change adaptation: Natural Disaster Management

[ddownload id=”633″ style=”button” button=”grey” text=”Descargar”]
Programa Nacional para la Recarga de Acuíferos
National program for the Aquifer Recharge

[ddownload id=”634″ style=”button” button=”grey” text=”Descargar”]
Transformación Digital y Adaptación al Cambio Climático: el caso del Gran Parque Nacional Bernardo O’Higgins
Digital Transformation and climate change adaptation: Bernardo O’Higgins Grand National Park case study

[ddownload id=”635″ style=”button” button=”grey” text=”Descargar”]
Un cubo de datos para Latinoamérica
Data cube for Latin America

[ddownload id=”660″ style=”button” button=”grey” text=”Descargar”]
Observatorio de Cambio Climático Global en la Patagonia Chilena
Global Climate Change Observatory in the Chilean Patagonia



Download the speakers’ presentations

[ddownload id=”626″ style=”button” button=”grey” text=”Descargar”]
Guillermo Holzmann,
politic analyst, academic, consultant

[ddownload id=”627″ style=”button” button=”grey” text=”Descargar”]
Juan Carlos Tonko,
Kawésqar community leader for the Puerto Edén area

[ddownload id=”628″ style=”button” button=”grey” text=”Descargar”]
Dr. Peter Mayfield,
Executive Director – Environment, Energy and Resources

For further information

Alejandra Cuevas
Communications officer, CSIRO Chile
Teléfono: + 56 2 2797 6300
Celular: + 56 9 93264004

Catalina Aboitiz
Office Manager – EA, CSIRO Chile
Teléfono + 56 2 2797 6301
Celular: + 56 9 5199 9954